viernes, 28 de junio de 2019

backburner stuff: CV880F HJG (un-official) fsx/p3d conversion sneak peek

 been very very  busy in commercial "NDA" projects... but wanted to post something special, this is
just a study how much takes to bring and old bird mesh into new standards,
adding a VC, and reusing its textures gauges and most of geometry as the goals to accomplish...
well lot of ins and outs but shure community needs some 880/990 convair love
this baby has a lot of stuff added wingflex, lights,  revisited gears and animations, etc

this is completely unpublished and HJG has beta tested with a nice feedback

hopefully we can make some smoke trails soon

statics in KPDX for iblueyonder / flightbeam


phenom 100 and falcon 30 cameo below

been busy lately but we still strong going! these static babies appear on KPDX , textures by GLC

our static Dash shining on KPDX on press photos