viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008


lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

awww, textures!

exhausts, gears, disk brakes, pitots those tiny stuff you love, but you never see...
there are LOTs of them in a "modern standard" of modelling ..

i trew away the cargopod momentary, gotta re-model it

trial, error, and re-learning!

well, I revisited some Gmax Basics,
remember to use .tga textures in Gmax, then..
in the aircraft folder, use a .bmp in DXT format, not the photoshop one :)

so, all is pretty much clear now! then, back to max!

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2008

it flew!! fs9

every time y assign a texture in the gmax.. fs9 just crashes.. or FSX wont show the texture...
its about materials here.. she flew nice... with a basic Flight dynamics.. still better than fliying a blackhole aircraft. will re-install al SDKs.. and lets see what happens.
tested some basic animations

martes, 19 de agosto de 2008

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008

no more black! (fritoelmosquito!)

BFF script works exceptionally good!

so transition 3dmax08->good ol' Gmax
is not such's the 337 in gmax after BFF'd

well textures are showin now! no more black, kida weird.. but they finally
started to show :P (FSX), yah im cheating cause im exporting from 2004 gamepack
(still works fine), but its rare to see these rare efect on uvw mapping

"duh moment"note:
apparently gmax remembers his model textures ONLY when they are inside your gamepack/texture folder, not just anywhere..

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

more pics.

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2008

OH!!! those fine panels and rivets!!!

there's a nice place to see and burn lot of time doin rivets for your texture!
some techniques

allways say "todo esta en internet" :P

nice tips at the simmers paintshop!

at the freeflightdesign shop found this and,
BFF tool worked very well!

so... we have 3dmax08->Gmax->FS *well ..08->Gmax..->black fs lol

miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2008

some WIPs of the Beech 65

these are images of the last state known of the model
so, we hope .. someday...with the new knowledge
( it flew today in fsx , all black, un-textured)
let's see what 's next :)

holy jesus! n FSX tutorial for Gmax!!!


i found some lights about the new procedures for making aircrafts
from gmax (for 3dmax they are described in SDK, but you know kinda "overblown" way) .
gmax seems some more reliable at this time for me to use
cause there's not such a facility (or haven't read about it) from 3Dmax fsx
so i can export my models to .3Ds ...then into Gmax safely! (there's a script around wich translates the model perfectly with no issues, i must try that too, since i havent apply textures yet, its fine for me putting the exported .3ds into gmax right away)

would like to thanks a lot to Mr. Bill from LionHeartCreations
wich made this document for all of us very short of light and time
he's the author of some very fine aircraft ,THANKS!
here's the link

i've found it in the allways proverbial Sim-Outhouse forum!
if you look inside you'll find all your favorite modelmakers discussing and talking each other and the ammount of info there can be surprinsing :)


sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

and more modelling...

the rear exhaust holes, pitot...

there are more pics of the modelling process at this time...
starting with main door,playing with antennas

some details..

a side view...

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2008

new pics of the cessna 337 (fsx-fs9)

new images
checking the "look" with the cargopod